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A Phase I Trial to Investigate the Metabolism and Pharmacokinetics of an Open-label Single Dose of 400 mg [14C]BI 671800 HEA Administered as an Oral Solution of the Choline Salt in Healthy Male Volunteers.

  • NCT01205373
  • PHASE1

Last updated: 2013-11-01

Purpose of  Trial

The main objectives of the present study are to investigate the basic pharmacokinetics of BI 671800, its major metabolite CD6384, and 14C-radioactivity, including mass balance, excretion pathways and metabolism following a single oral dose of 400 mg \[14C\]BI 671800 HEA to healthy male volunteers. Secondary objectives are to evaluate the safety and tolerability following a single oral dose of 400 mg \[14C\]BI 671800 HEA to healthy male volunteers.

This study is for people with


Interventions being studied

BI 671800

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Gender: MALE

Age: 18+

Healthy Volunteers: Yes


1268.7.001 Boehringer Ingelheim Investigational Site

Wisconsin, United States
Primary Contact(s)

Boehringer Ingelheim

Data obtained from, a service of the U.S. National Institutes of Health.
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