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Clinical Trial Research

At Boehringer Ingelheim, we believe it's essential for investigators, trial participants, regulators, and others to be able to access clinical trial information that can power change in clinical development. We're working tirelessly to innovate and improve the clinical trial process for all stakeholders: patients, investigators, trial sites, and the healthcare industry.

But we can't do it alone. You can help improve this situation, by collaborating with thoughtful BI research partners who are driven by a passion to improve awareness and reach more potential clinical trial participants. Looking to the future, you are a critical link between clinical care and innovative research. For patients with serious conditions, clinical trials can provide access to new treatments before they are widely available. If a new treatment is proven to work and you're in the group receiving it, you may be among the first to benefit.


Do you have a patient who might be interested in taking part in a BI-sponsored clinical trial? Use the clinical trials search to access BI trials for specific health conditions.


Whenever possible, we encourage patients to participate in clinical trials. In rare cases, when patients don't qualify for clinical trials and have exhausted all available medical options, we may consider granting expanded access, also called "Compassionate Use," of unapproved BI investigational medicines.

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Join a thriving community of clinical research investigators and gain unique insights by partnering with us. Help us move the future of healthcare research forward.